Background and purpose
It’s been 100 years since insulin was invented – preventing people with type 1 diabetes from dying. Today, these people still have to make up to 100 decisions daily to achieve the most balanced blood sugar (time in range), based on eaten carbs, physical activity, sleep, hormones, insulin injections, and much more.
The purpose of this Hackathon is to make all that data available for technical innovation from the user’s needs and perspective – so people with type 1 diabetes can get a healthier life and future.
We are looking for you!

Data Donors
Who can be a data donor?
For this Hackathon, a data donor is a person with type 1 diabetes who is over 18 years old and living in Sweden. And are either using diasend, glooko, or carelink today. You’ll have the chance to win a trip to Idre Fjäll and digital cinema tickets.
More information and Application

Who can compete?
We are looking for data scientists, application developers, AI experts, who work with IT architecture, business developers. The competitors can be companies, business startups, students, or individuals. You’ll have the chance to win up to 100,000 USD
More information and Application

Partners and Collaborations
Want to collaborate with us?
Together we are stronger! Beat Diabetes aims to involve, establish, engage organizations, startups, and individuals with a great interest in technology and with a legal understanding to together accelerate technical diabetes innovation.
More information and Application