Our statues
§1 Name
The foundation´s name is Stiftelsen BEAT Diabetes (the ”Foundation”).
§2 Objectives
The objectives of the Foundation are to promote, inter alia, scientific research, treatment
and preventative work, education and other comparable activities related to diabetes.
The objectives may be achieved through, inter alia, the award of gifts, contributions and
fellowship grants, the arrangement of activities as well as the dissemination of
information and knowledge.
The Foundation may conduct business operations. The Foundation may receive and
collect gifts and contributions from any person who wishes to further the Foundation’s
The Foundation’s capital may be used.
§3 Registered office
The Foundation’s registered office shall be situated in Stockholm, Sweden
§4 Funds
The Foundation’s funds consist of, inter alia, the funds which have been allocated in
conjunction with the formation of the Foundation, the funds which are received by the
Foundation through, for example, grants, gifts, contributions or other additional
contributions, as well as the yield from the aforementioned funds.
§5 Board of directors and organization
The Foundation’s board of directors shall be responsible for the management of the
The board of directors shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than nine (9)
ordinary members. Deputy board members may be appointed. Nordic Entertainment
Group Sweden Holding AB (the “Founder”), and/or those persons to whom the Founder
has delegated the right to do so, is entitled to appoint and dismiss board members, the
chairman as well as any deputy members. If this is not done by the Founder, the board of
directors shall appoint and dismiss board members, the chairman as well as any deputy
members. The board of directors shall appoint The Secretary General, if such shall be
appointed. The members and deputy members are appointed for a period of one (1) year,
calculated from the day of election. Re-election may take place.
Directors fees shall not be payable.
§6 Board meetings
Ordinary board meetings shall be held on at least one occasion per year. The chairman
and The Secretary General shall ensure that additional board meetings are convened, if
required. A meeting of the board of directors shall also be convened where a board
member so requests.
The board of directors shall convene upon notice by the The Secretary General. The
notice shall be given at least ten (10) days before the meeting by letter or e-mail. A board
meeting may be held without prior notice where all members so agree.
A board member shall, in due time, notify the chairman of his/her absence from a board
§7 Board resolutions
The board of directors is quorate where more than half of the ordinary number of board
members are present. Board resolutions shall be adopted where the resolution is
supported by more than half of the board members present. In the event of a tied vote, the
chairman shall have a casting vote.
§8 Board minutes
Minutes shall be taken in respect of board resolutions.
The minutes shall be signed by the recorder of the minutes and approved by the chairman,
where such person has not prepared the minutes. In the event the chairman has prepared
the minutes, the minutes shall be approved by a board member appointed by the board of
directors. In the event the board meeting is held pursuant to a per capsulam procedure,
all board members shall also sign the minutes. The board members are entitled to have
a dissenting opinion recorded in the minutes. The minutes shall be maintained in
numerical order and be stored in a satisfactory manner.
§9 Authorized signatories
The authority to sign for the Foundation shall be granted, in addition to the board of
directors in its entirety, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Foundation´s
board of directors.
§10 Financial year and audit
The Foundation’s accounts shall be maintained, and an audit shall take place, in
accordance with the applicable legislation governing foundations.
The board of directors shall appoint at least one authorized public accountant to act as
auditor as well as a deputy for a period of one year, with the possibility of re-election.
The auditor shall, inter alia, audit the board of directors’ management of the Foundation
and the Foundation’s accounts.
The Foundation shall have the calendar year as its financial year.
§11 Supervision
The Foundation shall be subject to supervision pursuant to the Swedish Foundations Act.
§12 Amendments to the statutes
Provisions governing the Foundation’s objectives as well as this Article 12 may not be
amended, revoked or set aside without the consent of a public authority. Resolutions
concerning any changes to, revocation of, or setting aside other regulations in these
statutes may be taken without a public authority’s consent by a unanimous board of
directors where all board members are present.