A Nordic Movement
#Imovefordiabetes is a Nordic movement that first was launched May 2021 by @beatdiabetesfoundation. This initiative encourages people no matter their individual challenges to move for diabetes.
The purpose is to raise awareness about the different types of Diabetes and to encourage everyone to a healthy lifestyle. Every movement counts - for you today and in the future!
When we launched the campaign in May 2021 our goal was to take us along the coastline of the Nordics, a total distance of 7665 km. We did it more than 7 times and it took as all the way around the globe, a distance of 47.000 km!
This year 2022, we collected 145 175 SEK to diabetes research in Scandinavia by moving together in various forms. Fantastic!
Together we make a difference!

School results
Our partnered schools collected over 75 000 SEK to diabetes research
- Maria Parkskolan: 35 560 SEK
- Kälarne skola: 26 642 SEK
- Rydebäcksskolan: 12 450 SEK
- Påarps skola: 3 043 SEK
A warm applause to our fantastic schools that have been involved during #Imovefordiabetes.

Want our #Imovefordiabetes t-shirt?
We have a limited amount of #Imovefordiabetes t-shirts - for both men and women. If you would like one, you can swish 140 SEK (including shipping) to our Swedish Swish number: 123 318 60 20. Also send an email to info@beatdiabetes.se with the following: Name, address, mobile number & size and if you want men/women t-shirt. All money goes back into the foundation.
* Notice that it’s only available to send swish from Sweden

Mårten Nylén
My engagement
Why do you move for diabetes?
Over 1.5 million people live with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the Nordic countries today and my daughter with type 1. However, the majority live with type 2 diabetes which can be counteracted with, among other things, exercise and improved lifestyles. I will always do what I can to be a good role model for the people I can influence to improve their health.
Who can participate in #Imovefordiabetes?
Everyone can participate in #Imovefordiabetes and the winnings are tripple. First we need to work together to spread more knowledge about diabetes. Second, our own health benefits since all movement counts. Third, every movement raises money to diabetes research. There are lots of ways to move and exercise.
Do you have any tips for those who want to start exercising?
Don't make it harder than it needs to be and choose something you think is fun. We are all different and like different things. Everyday exercise is underestimated, so why not start there if it feels difficult to start exercising.
Partners for #Imovefordiabetes
Collaborators for #Imovefordiabetes