Fight for Life
The Scandinavian diabetes gala
Fight for Life or Kampen för/for Livet as we say in the Scandinavian countries is a Scandinavian tv-gala with the primary goal to increase awareness and reduce stigma for diabetes. Another important purpose is to collect money to the important research & activities within the diabetes field.
The gala is unique in its kind because there is currently no other television format in the Nordics that puts the spotlight on diabetes. This despite the fact that type-2 diabetes is considered a world epidemic according to the WHO and that type-1 diabetes is classified as one of the most complicated diseases in the world that is managed outside a hospital.

Viaplay and Pluto.tv
Available whenever you want
This year, Denmark was the host country of the diabetes gala and our hosts for the evening was Peter Jihde, Rikke Gøransson and Iman Meskini. The gala is available for everyone on Viaplay throughout the Nordics and on Pluto.tv in Scandinavia.
Apart from gripping and hopeful stories of people living with type 1- & type-2 diabetes, there is an entertaining competition between the Scandinavian countries.

Support diabetes research and activities?
Donate to your country's diabetes organisation
- Barndiabetesfonden (Sweden): Donate a voluntary amount via Swish to 900 72 04.
- Diabetesforbundet (Norway): Donate a volontary amount via Vipps to 02160 or via bank transfer to 7058.05.09035.
- Diabetesforeningen (Denmark): Donate a voluntary amount via MobilePay to 315 188.
- Beat Diabetes Foundation (Scandinavia): Donate a voluntary amount via Swish to 123 318 60 20.
Our beneficiaries
Our partners for the gala