Scandinavia’s largest exercise initiatives #Imovefordiabetes
BEAT Diabetes Foundation challenges sedentary behavior with one of Scandinavia’s largest exercise initiatives
- Nick’s partners with Beat Diabetes Foundation to donate 1 SEK for every registered movement to diabetes research in Scandinavia
- #Imovefordiabetes aims to increase knowledge and highlight health benefits of exercise, whether you have diabetes or not
- Various activities intend to identify people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
The #Imovefordiabetes initiative was started by the Beat Diabetes Foundation in May 2021 with the goal of encouraging all forms of exercise and spreading knowledge about diabetes Type 1 and Type 2. On 1 May 2022, the initiative returns with the goal of challenging sedentary behaviour and getting people moving – both for the individual's own health and for diabetes research, with 1 SEK donated for every registered movement to diabetes research in Scandinavia.
Peter Jihde, Board member of the BEAT Diabetes Foundation: “One of the best medicines in the world for everyone is exercise and movement. Regular activity, whether you have diabetes or not, improves your quality of life in many ways. Through initiatives such as #Imovefordiabetes, we can increase the awareness that all movement counts and can help you feel so much better!”.
The goal of #Imovefordiabetes 2021 was to collect movements corresponding to a single lap around the Nordic region – 7,665 km. We completed more than seven such laps, and in fact more than one lap around the Earth. This year’s goal is to get more than 50,000 unique individuals to register their movements – for their health today and in the future. For each registered movement, 1 SEK will be donated to diabetes research for the Children’s Diabetes Fund in Sweden and the Diabetes Association in Denmark and Norway from one of the foundation’s partners, Nicks.
Participants in #Imovefordiabetes will record their daily movements on – everything from simple everyday activities, walks and leg bends at the coffee machine to more advanced exercise such as jogging, workouts or yoga. The important thing is not the length or intensity of the movements but making them a habit.
Moving daily and reducing sedentary behaviour is an important component of living a healthy life with increased well-being. Physical activity can not only help prevent obesity and mental illness, but one of the greatest public illnesses of our time – Type 2 diabetes, which is often followed by the development of cardiovascular diseases. Every day, 30 people are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in Sweden alone. At the same time, 2% of Sweden’s population lives with Type 2 diabetes without knowing it. Unlike Type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body’s immune system stops producing insulin-producing cells, more active lifestyles and diets can help prevent Type 2 diabetes in many people.
Nick’s CEO Stefan Lagerqvist: “We’re proud to be part of the fight against diabetes, which we’re also engaged in with the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. Our vision is to be able to offer sweets and ice cream without compromising health, even for diabetics. Controlling sugar intake is incredibly important for diabetics, and with Nick’s we create an opportunity to eat that little extra without having to think about blood sugar levels.”
The BEAT Diabetes Foundation is supported by Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group), the Nordic region’s leading streaming company; Abbott, a global healthcare leader; and Boehringer & Ingelheim AB, a research-driven pharmaceutical company. The goal is to increase knowledge about the different types of diabetes, raise awareness of unequal care, and highlight hope together, even if you or a close relative have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Andreas Almroth, Nordic General Manager for Abbott Diabetes Care: “At Abbott, we believe that people with diabetes should have the freedom to enjoy an energetic and active life. Initiatives like Beat Diabetes and #Imovefordiabetes are important to help people become more active and achieve their best health.”
Beat Diabetes Foundation is an impartial, not-for-profit foundation that unites the entire Nordic diabetes ecosystem, together with companies, organizations and individuals who are as passionate as us about creating a diabetes-free future and promoting healthy lifestyles.
We do this in three areas:
- Health Tech – developing innovative digital solutions to support diabetes patients and others affected by diabetes
- Healthy Lifestyle & Wellbeing – promoting healthy and active lifestyles to help prevent Type 2 diabetes
- Inclusion & Awareness – addressing stigma and exclusion linked to diabetes and promoting mental health in patients and caregivers
Project Manager, Beat Diabetes Foundation; Johanna Edenström:
0736 99 22 90.
Ringvägen 52, 104 62, Stockholm
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