Meet our new Project Manager
Exciting news! We are pleased to announce that Lina Larsson has joined the Beat Diabetes Foundation as our new Project Leader. With extensive experience in TV and media, as well as sponsorship, we are confident that Lina will expertly manage our operations.
She's been witnessing the fight against diabetes up close for many years, Lina is passionate about increasing awareness and education surrounding the disease. We are grateful to have her on board to help us advance our important work.
“I am super happy to have been given the opportunity to work with the BEAT Diabetes Foundation. This is something that I'm really passionate about. And I´m really looking forward to working with you all” says, Lina.
Join us in welcoming Lina to the Beat Diabetes Foundation family, and stay tuned for updates on our progress together. We are excited to see the positive impact that Lina's skills and expertise will have on our organization as we continue our mission to fight against diabetes.
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