Beat Diabetes Foundation Announces Change in Leadership
Beat Diabetes Foundation, a leading organisation in the fight against diabetes, announces that Helena Kolvik, our current general secretary, has decided to step down from her position. We would like to express our gratitude to Helena for her tireless work and unwavering commitment to our cause.
Helena will continue to play an important role in our organisation as she will remain a member of our board and contribute her expertise to help us drive our mission forward.
Beat Diabetes Foundation's mission is to empower people affected by diabetes and to promote healthy lifestyles through education, advocacy, and support. We are committed to providing access to resources and services that improve the lives of those living with diabetes, and to raising awareness of the disease.
As we move forward, we remain steadfast in our commitment to our mission and vision. We will continue to work collaboratively with our partners, supporters, and the diabetes community to achieve our goals. This change in leadership is an opportunity for us to further strengthen our organization and ensure that we remain focused on our objectives.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners and supporters for their continued support. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against diabetes.
The recruitment of Helenas replacement has already started.
For any inquiries or further information, please contact Chairperson Sahar Kupersmidt or
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