Here are the contestants
We can finally release who the famous celebrities competing in the Scandinavian Diabetes Gala are!
Two famous Danes, Norwegians and Swedes will compete in the fight against diabetes 2022. The teams will compete in different competitions to collect fundings for research and to increase awareness about diabetes. The program will be visible 19:00-21:00 in all countries on Viaplay, TV3 in Sweden & Denmark, TV6 in Norway and on Pluto TV.
The neighboring countries is represented by the following celebrities:
Team Sweden: Diabetes father, comedian, and actor Olof Wretling together with the previously national football team superstar and now footballexpert Lotta Schelin.
- I am on the first year as a Diabetes Father and still fumbles in new situations. Diabetes was for me a sensor on the arm until my family got affected of the disease. It’s given for me to participate to do whatever I can do increase awareness about diseases that affects so many people, says Olof Wretling.
Team Denmark: TV-profile and singer Jasmin Gabay, and the artist living with type-1 diabetes Lasse Dein.
- I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes just a few months ago and I did not have any experience of the disease before that. I realized it’s a disease that I have to live with for the rest of my life – without a cure - so I must do whatever I can to increase awareness and to make people donate to research, it’s needed! Says Lasse Dein.
Team Norway: Influencer, blogger and living with type-1 diabetes Ingrid Aguiluz, and the artist & TV-profile Jørn Hoel.
- I’ve been living with type-1 diabetes for many years and I still experience a lot of unknowledge and stigma related to the disease. It is given for me to participate in ‘Beat Diabetes – Fight for life’ so that more people understand what type-1 diabetes is about. It’s definitely not “just to take an injection” or “stop eating sugar”, says Ingrid Aguiluz.
The famous artists that together takes on the part in the fight against diabetes is Smith & Thell from Sweden, Dagny from Norway, and Ericka Jane from Denmark.
We collected more than 3 million SEK to important research during two hours last year. We aim for more this year! More than 400 million people globally is affected of type-1 and type-2 diabetes, so fundings is needed. Beneficiary for this year’s ‘Beat Diabetes – Fight for life’ is Beat Diabetes Foundation in all countries, Barndiabetesfonden in Sweden, Diabetesforeningen in Denmark, and Diabetesforbundet in Norway. The collected fundings will unabridged go to research, activities for children and youths with type-1 diabetes and counselling and preventative work around diabetes.
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